Thermoforming rigid films
PET-, PP-, PLA- and PS-based multilayer rigid films for thermoforming, to be used on form, fill and seal machines, compact or foamed, suitable for vacuum and modified atmosphere. Several thicknesses and colours are available.
PET Base
POLYESTER-based films (PET) are ideal for sliced salami, fresh pasta, sandwiches, sausages, ready meals and other foodstuff. This material is easily thermoformable. It is highly transparent and could be used on high productivity lines. The following materials are some example of this category: -...
PP Base
POLYPROPYLENE-based films (PP) are ideal for several applications, as ready meals, snacks, fresh pasta, pet food etc. With an high heat resistance, this material is suitable for pasteurization, sterilisation and microwave cooking. The following materials are some example of this category: - PP...
Thermoformable Paper Base
The materials based on thermoformable paper are quite technical. They can have up to 89% of paper and for this reason they can be considered as paper waste and can be certified as recyclable. They are a good solution for sliced ham and cheese or for advanced applications. The material is printable...